• General Medicine Guidelines (Passover)


  • The following is a summary of the cRc's medicine guidelines:
    - All pill medication – with or without chametz – that one swallows is permitted.
    - Rav Schwaz ZT”L has ruled that, as a rule, vitamins do not qualify as medications and are instead treated as food supplements which require hashgachah for Pesach. If a doctor prescribes a specific vitamin which does not have Pesach supervision, please review your specific situation with your doctor and Rabbi.
    - Liquid and chewable medications that may contain chametz should only be used under the direction of a doctor and Rabbi, who will judge the severity of the illness, the likelihood that the medicine contains chametz, and the possibility of substituting a swallowable pill. Important: Do not discontinue use of liquid, chewable or any other medicine without consulting with your doctor and Rabbi.
    - Liquid and chewable medications that contain kitnios may be consumed by someone who is ill.
    - For laws of taking medicine on Shabbos and Yom Tov, please consult your Rabbi.